Thursday, October 1, 2009

BECOME A VIP: A Very Involved Parent of a Karate Student

TOP WAYS TO BE A V.I.P. (Very Involved Parent)

The following is a list of five ways that you, as a Very Involved Parent, can take an active role in your child's journey toward becoming a Black Belt Champion in Martial Arts and in Life!

1. Teach your child the importance of being on time for class.
When it comes to regular classes, my Sensei always reminded us "It's better to be 15 minutes early than 1 minute late." This helps develop a sense of responsibility, with your child getting ready for their Karate lessons.
Help them get in the habit of getting into uniform early, and checking to see that they have all the required items. Such as their belt, targets, weapons or required safety equipment.
When a child comes late for class they experience a negative feeling for the start of their class. They miss out on the meditation and if allowed to happen over time, tardiness will develop into a habit that shows up in every area of their life.

2. Stop in to Watch and Observe your Child in Class.
We are all busy people and it may be tempting to drop your child off to class while you run an errand or two. While this may be acceptable once in a while, it should not become the norm. Your child will perform better knowing you are watching, especially if you are really watching.
Children like to please their parents; staying to watch your child will develop a sense of pride and accountability for their efforts in class.
By the way, PRIDE stands for...Personal Responsibility In Daily Effort!

Maybe you can let your child be the instructor, and you can be the student for a while. Then switch the roles. If children look at practice as something that's fun to do, they will do it without you having to push. Kids like accessories; invest in some hand targets and kicking shields that will allow your child to really get into their practice sessions with you at home. (Any equipment you see us use on the floor can be ordered and purchased at our pro-shop.) Plus it will help save your pillows and furniture in your home.

Follow the Praise - Correct - Praise formula when working with your child.

Getting too critical of your child's technique or detail will only put up a wall between you and them. Understand that with time and training, your child's skill will develop to unbelievable levels.
When correcting, be what we call a Good-Finder. That is to point out all the good you see and sandwich it around any corrections you may suggest.

You know the old saying, "You catch a lot more bees with honey than you do with vinegar!" Your child will respond to the positive praise much better than they ever will by pointing out all the areas they need to work on. Spoon-feed the corrections and smother them with praise and you'll see your child's confidence and skills grow at an amazing pace!

These are just a few ways be a V.I.P. even if becoming a student yourself is not right for you.
Remember to Team Up with us and never Give Up when it comes to keeping your child on track with their martial arts training and progress. Don't forget to visit for all of our latest news and advice!

Yours in Karate,



Elisa McCaffferty said...

Good blog Wayne! Is always a hard line to draw with parents, when I still had a dojo, I wouldnt take anyone under 10 unless the parent trained with them...and then the parents got hooked and never left! Was great to see them bonding over something they both had to learn from scratch.

Unknown said...

Thanks Elisa, some of our best and most dedicated members have been referred to training from their children!

Anonymous said...

Hi Wayne,

I would have to agree with that! I have watched my children every lesson, every tournament for the past 6 years, one now a Junior Black Belt the other just got his Brown Belt, one in Little Ninja's, one in Tiny Tigers and one to join the Tiny Tigers next Term and here I am, JUST got my Purple belt!
*A Family that Kicks together Sticks Together!
Cheers, Cilla

Syed Shakeel Ahmed said...

Good work Wayne. There is very little material available on internet regarding Budokan Karate. I apprecialte you and your work and hope it continues. Even Iam an orange belt holder of Budokan and I practise at Asian martial arts acamedy at hyderabad, India. I have certain issues and questions regarding Budokan. What is the process to get them clarified.
Thank you,
Syed shakeel ahmed
Hyderabad, india.

Unknown said...

Hi Shakeel,
Address all of your questions to me on
Thanks Shihan